vendredi 29 décembre 2006

car boot sale and in the street - 2006

Yard sale and "find in the street" 2006

atomic plant stand , record bag ..

atomic plant stand 1950 50s record bag plaid 60s 1960

 Mategot table in the street

 Mategot table 1950 50s n vase en brocante , une armature de chaise et une table Mategot aux monstres .  a vase , 70s chair  's structure , Mategot table

a vintage bottle warmer , 70s candlesticks ...

un chauffe biberon, des chaussures , des bougeoirs , un allume gaz , un poisson en metal  a vintage bottle warmer , 70s shoes , 70s candlesticks , a vintage                                                                            firelighter

 70s french singers 'canvas
Johnny Hallyday
Michel Sardou

70s french singers 'canvas tapestry canevas tapisserie weird johnny hallyday michel sardou

 red , white and blue cap , 60s canvas sneakers ...

Saint Malo yard Sale : torchons Lefort et Openo , platine Radiola , disques ...

torchons Lefort et Openo , platine Radiola , disques turn table record milk 'n cookies hypersound

50s 1950 chair bibendum michelin goldorak massinger z

atomic cat accolay dog vintage

vendredi 23 juin 2006

brocante 2005 2006

yard sale and in the street :

dog and cat Accolay

accolay vintage dog cat  chat chien

 60s clock

 60s clock 1960 vintage

and in the street : a 50s plant stand

50s 1950 atomic plant stand


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