dimanche 15 septembre 2013

September's Yard sales

70's patent belt , orange and purple striped skinny-rib sweater , vintage plastic bracelet , turquoise Go-Go slot-in record player , red and white stripes wooden earrings

70's patent belt , orange and purple striped skinny-rib sweater , vintage plastic bracelet , turquoise Go-Go slot-in record player , red and white stripes wooden earrings 1960 1960s 60s 60' yard sales garage brocantes brocante broc bracelet ceinture vernie vert pomme go-go gogo go mange disque disques mange-disque années 60 70 1970 70s 1970s sixties seventies mod twiggy

70's patent belt , orange and purple striped skinny-rib sweater , vintage plastic bracelet , turquoise Go-Go slot-in record player , red and white stripes wooden earrings 1960 1960s 60s 60' yard sales garage brocantes brocante broc bracelet ceinture vernie vert pomme go-go gogo go mange disque disques mange-disque années 60 70 1970 70s 1970s sixties seventies mod twiggy

1 commentaire:

  1. that belt is so awesome. and the record player looks very practical! Is it the kind you use outdoors for picnics?



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